Our expertise in diagnosis and treatment of chronic and complex health conditions, combined with compassion and understanding, ensures your pet has access to the best care possible.
Our board certified Internal Medicine specialists work in conjunction with you and your regular veterinarian to provide the comprehensive care your pet needs. Our board certified specialists have extensive training in all aspects of internal medicine and employ the most sophisticated diagnostic techniques to every case they manage. Each pet is an individual and care, diagnoses and treatment is tailored to meet your needs and those of your pet.
Hepatology (Diseases of the Liver)
Respiratory Disease
Veterinary Referrals
For Veterinarians: To refer a patient to our specialties, please call us at 303-424-3325 or email us at wrah@wrah.com
Veterinary Internist
Veterinary Internist
Veterinary Internist
Computed Tomography (CT Scan)
Radiography (X-Rays)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)